Polar Bears in the Hot Tub

They live on top of the world.
They have it all to themselves.
Northern Lights provide wide screen entertainment.
No people, No cars.
Few other animals; None as powerful.
No trees, No bugs, No noisy crows.
For dinner, Seals come to them while they wait.
All summer, large swimming pools, everywhere.



Life was especially great until 1900 when there were an estimated 25,000 bears.
Then long range rifles with telescope sights were invented.
Bear population dropped significantly to between 5,000 and 10,000 bears.
Then, between 1956 and 1994 Northern nations prohibited hunting.
From 2008 to 2017 the population of  Polar Bears rebounded and today there are about 31,000.
Polar Bears – Facts & Myths; Susan J Crockford
After 1990, people, concerned people, began showing up, but armed with cameras, airplanes, satellites in the sky.
Pictures were published; concerned people, started drawing conclusions!


Satellite photos showed that ice at the North Pole was melting!
Many research papers were published on causes!
“Ninety-seven percent” of selected scientists agreed; “greenhouse gasses are the cause”!
This is a man-made Catastrophe!
Polar bears will die from lack of ice and food!
The planet will die from hot weather; we will all die!
Burning fossil fuels must be stopped to eliminate CO2!
International Conferences were held in Japan and France!
Political leaders promised to save the polar bears and us!
What if it’s not about us?
What if it’s not about CO2?
What if it’s not about burning fossil fuels?


Who is not aware of the volcanic eruption of Mount Saint Helens in 1980?
Volcanologists and geologists ‘listened’ to the earthquakes before it erupted.
They established a “RED ZONE” around the mountain and ordered everyone to evacuate.
They established an outer “BLUE ZONE” where only permitted people could go.
Three people died in the red zone.
Three died in the “blue zone” with permits to be there.
Fifty-one other people died outside the blue zone which was considered ‘safe’.
Many lives were saved because scientists listened to the earthquake warnings of rising magma.

Earthquakes under the Arctic Ocean have been active and talking to us since 1975.
They are telling us about white hot magma under the Arctic Ocean and it’s volcanic Islands.
Should we not listen to save Bears, our resources and maybe our lives??

Image of the arctic circle

Earthquake records can be found at earthquaketrack.com where time, location, magnitude and depth are

available for many selectable regions. They do not predict catastrophic eruptions!
They do accurately identify areas of rising white hot magma!

Like the Hawaiian Island Chain, the volcanic islands of Iceland, Jan Mayen, Svalbard and Russia’s Severnaya form a straight line chain of active volcanic islands over 2500 miles long.
There is also a parallel undersea ridge some 2600 miles long with similar volcanic activity.
Further, there are active branches to the undersea ridge.
Total length is over 7,000 miles of active earthquakes and rising magma.
The area of hot rock under the Arctic is purely an estimate.
A report estimated the width as up to 150 miles, much wider than earlier estimates.
Then if we add the vertical area of the cracks and channels, the area is truly enormous.
That means over 1,000,000 square miles of hot seafloor to heat THE POLAR BEAR TUBS.

Numerous earthquakes have been recorded under these Islands and Ocean since 1953.
Please note the triangles and dots at the bottom of the graph; annual quake intensity (energy)
triangles between 1960 and 1980 indicate near zero quakes;
Dots after 1980 indicate many quakes, each dot the total earthquake energy for one year.
An example is one location on Iceland which peaked in 2015:
2013 – 5 quakes; 2014 – 8; 2015 – 51; 2016 – 1; 2017 – 1. The quakes started in 1980, reached a peak in 2015 and have diminished to 1 in 2016 and 2017. The magma is no longer rising and the rocky seabed is cooling! If earthquakes do not return, ice will likely return.
It will likely take several years for the existing hot rock to cool and the ice to return.


The following chart of data is very helpful in understanding the data.
It was created to visualize the connections between CO2 concentration and air temperature, the area of winter ice, area of summer ice, and earthquakes.

June Land and Ocean Surface Mean Temp Anomalies Graph

Polar Bear Graph

Earthquake records show almost no earthquakes in the Arctic region for a period before 1980.
1   CO2 ppm was rising smoothly from 320 ppm in 1960 to 410 ppm in 2017!
2   Temperature did not rise until 1980; 20 years of no response to rising CO2!!
Actually, in 1880, 100 years earlier, the air temperature was the same as in 1980!
Clearly, air temperature and ice are responding to a different energy source.!!!
3   Winter ice area decreased only after 1990, 10 years after temperature increased!
4    Summer ice area started decreasing in 1998, 18 years after the rising temperature !
Summer ice did not respond to CO2 at all for 18 years of temperature increases!!
5   Thinner winter ice, 1 to 3 feet thick, responded more quickly to magma and earthquakes.
And very significant!!, only along the Russian shore!!
6    Thicker summer ice area, up to 10 feet thick, responded 16 years later.
7    Norwegian expeditions in 2005 and 2008 at 73 deg. North latitude on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near Loki’s Castle north of Iceland, reported numerous underwater volcanoes and thermal steam vents measuring up to 570 degrees F. The magma is there!!
8    Another Norwegian expedition in 1922 studied unusual melting of sea ice and glaciers north of Svalbard. See a following page for a copy of the published report. Note, accurate records of global earthquakes were not available at this time, 100 years ago.
9     In 2013, Dr Jorge of Norway reported the discovery of an underwater volcanic ridge  between Iceland and Svalbard  1,500 KM; equal to the distance from San Francisco to New York City.

Note the section on underwater volcanoes and thermal vents.
There can be no doubt that there is a long and large area of hot magma beneath the island chain. 
10    Satellite photos show the ice is melting along the Russian shores but not along the Canadian shore. This is just as it should be!

Seawater of the Arctic Ocean is circulating in a counterclockwise direction.
This means it flows over the earthquake zones and gets hotter, then flows along the Russian shore melting ice and cooling off. By the time this heated seawater flows under the ice north of Canada it has cooled off and can no longer melt ice.

There can be no doubt that there is a major source of heat under the Arctic Ocean north of Iceland and Russia!
Earthquakes are telling us the Magma had been rising under the Arctic Ocean!!
And, as for the future, these earthquakes have largely stopped – the magma is not rising now.
If the magma is not rising; this source of heat will disappear.
No help needed from much less powerful human beings!

There is a growing interest in the earthquake-magma-volcano field by earth scientists.
Dr Tolstoy commented that magma may be affecting earths temperature.

Chapter two will explore the history of CO2 concentration in our atmosphere.
The rise is not as simple as “we are burning more so it is rising.”
Nor will CO2 stop rising if we stop burning coal and convert to wind/solar.

Chapter three will discuss the second source of energy that is raising air temperature and
affecting melting ice at the Arctic Ocean and Greenland’s ice fields.


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